

Button clicks

* Selecting characters on the number buttons. Because number buttons have multiple characters you need to press it until your character appears.. 

EXAMPLE  entering text to type the letter R you would press the 7 multiple times. This button contains all of these characters.. as do the rest of the number buttons.

* Volume Left side of the phone

* Flash light right side of the phone

*  SOS button on the back of the phone.

Pressing the button below  and one of the arrows < > will toggle through these settings.

Message, Task, Fm Radio, Multimedia, Image, SOS, Alarm, Tools, Settings.
When using other settings, this button will add other options.

* Call log to view recient calls, delete, call back or block them.

* The ok button is used after you make a selection and accept it.

* The down slects the music player  to play or change it's setttings.

* Left to write, review, delete text messages.

* Right to create appointments or access the calendar

* Up to take pics, view them, delete them or change the picture settings

* Back key Contacts, add, delete (phone or sim contacts)
When writing text, use a direction to move to the right of characters to be deleted and this key will erase them

* Close what ever or hold it down to turn the power off. (saving the battery when the phone is not in use)

* Speed dial numbers you have added.

* Radio to play fm stations, add your own or edit sound settings.

* Create alarms once, every day, work days. By checking them after created you can turn them on or off.
